[Dragaera] Dzur - Phoenix Stone & Orb

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 22:50:28 PDT 2006

--- lincicum at comcast.net wrote:

> However, it is possible that there was some additional, unknown element
> (Blue Phoenix Stone? Green Phoenix Stone? Silver Phoenix Stone?) that we
> haven't seen yet that blocks the ability of the human mind to influence
> Necrophia (The element in Trellanstone that reacts to a user's will). 
> Thus, it is possible that a trip to Greenaere might do additional things
> that Vlad's amulet does *not* do.

Or sheer quantity. If there are islands with large veins of PS between you
and the Orb, that could well have a greater effect than an amulet worn
against your body.

m a m

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