[Dragaera] agnosticism (no flame) (was, long ago: (no spoilers) The 17 [Great Weapons])

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed May 23 11:18:36 PDT 2007

On 5/23/2007 Alain Feeny wrote:
>  slight topic variation: The world is and apparently has been for as 
>  long as we've bothered to record history just full of people who hear
>  "God" or "voices" every day. Most of the time these people are 
>  considered delusional and (hopefully) treated for mental illness.

In my world, these voices tell one profit one thing and another prophet 
something contradictory.  It may be that only most are delusional, and a 
few hear accurately.   But we have no way of checking.

Dragaeran gods don't seem to be above deception.   I don't know if there 
are any prince of lies, nor Loki style jokers.   But there seem to be 
ways of determining if a prophet was really in contact with a god.   I 
suspect though, that such voices don't carry the same weight as they do 
with the faithful here.   So the god demanded that I build a monument 
here - I'll think about his suggestion.

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