[Dragaera] The Lyorn's Horn

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Mon May 28 14:01:46 PDT 2007

On Mon, 28 May 2007, Jon Lincicum wrote:

> I've slimmed it up a bit, sharpened the point, to hopefully minimize the
> effect in this latest modification.
> http://dragaera.wikia.com/wiki/Image:Lyornlogo-4a.jpg

This horn looks more courtly.

It's a very annoying complaint no doubt, but this dog looks very
puppyish to me.  I at first had the impression that a human child's
head with a horn had been grafted on a dog's body.

Also I still have an impression of chocolate, some of which is
associated I think with the glosss effect at the edges.

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