[Dragaera] the Demon?

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Wed Aug 2 11:34:00 PDT 2006

Mark Gibbons writ:
> After reading Sethra Lavode where a character tells Piro
> "You are a demon".  I've been figuring Piro as a leading
> suspect for Demonhood.  Don't have the books handy for
> location or exact wording of the quote.  

For those keeping score at home, speculations as to whether Piro could
be The Demon are contraindicated by the famous "no one else is anyone
else" statements, despite the scope qualifiers in the most explicit
version of such.


http://www.bofh.com/books/brust-faq.html#mario (link used for
convenience, as the list archive for the appropriate date is
unavailable.)  Thanks, Jot.

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