[Dragaera] Three More ,Sploiers!

tom sausman inuyashadontask at netscape.net
Fri Aug 4 21:33:03 PDT 2006

 Big Book: Tatlos again page 100 Morrlan says that Sethra past through 
th Dzur.
            1) Why did Tuko call her "Little Dragon" and not "Little 
Pussy" ( the witch( Zerika lover) Dzur change into a cat insult
             2) How can Sethra help them ( Tatlos again) if she took the 
Dzur paths, we from Zerkia accounts that there are all different.
              3) In the Romances afer Tuko called Sethra Little Dragon 
and she called something really long like Tukoianfsgnujnghthn ( 
Dramaization) Does that mean Chaz's real name is like 
Chazmtunghshuiteihjtuihn, or something.... If the part was bigger I 
would look for it but it's too small.
               How come a lot of the accounts differ from the Romances 
and the Novels (Vlad Tatlos), such as when Lorrolan obtaind the staff.

             I belive in _Sethra Lavode_ when Morrolan defeated Tri. , I 
know why his soul didn't get destory but if could go to his home world/ 
Dimension ( I forgot which it was) why won't the other gods adbanded 
that world and go home, the Jenione forced to guard the experiments ( 
which doesn't make sense, they did nothing.....later on that) but they 
rebel, is it some kind of an alliance or if they leave their home goes 
BLOOM! Help please!

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