[Dragaera] Morolan and Aliera

Will Frank wmfrank at stwing.org
Sun Nov 5 13:48:02 PST 2006

Also Sprach John Dallman:


> This looks alarmingly simple. What have I missed?

Nothing, but you haven't identified anything new either. Morrolan and 
Aliera's relationship is settled in _Taltos_, and the order of succession 
in _Yendi_:

"I'm your cousin. My name is Morrolan e'Drien. I am the eldest son of your 
father's youngest sister." (_Taltos_, start of chapter 14.)

We know Morrolan's father is Rollondar e'Drien from the Paarfi books. 
Chapter Six, page 60 in the Tor mass-market paperback, has Morrolan give 
his father's name.

And in _Yendi_, Vlad discusses the succession, in terms of how each of our 
friends was to be eliminated from it: Norathar was to be Morganti'd, or at 
least killed permanently, Aliera was to be disgraced for interfering in a 
Jhereg war, and Morrolan out "by the same logic." (Toward the end of 
chapter 15.)

I can't give precise page numbers for the Vlad books, as I have them in 
the "Book Of" compilations. At least, for the first seven.

Will "scifantasy" Frank - wmfrank at stwing.org
"Batman to all points. I could use some air support. Since I can't fly. At 
all. Now would be good." --Batman (Bruce Wayne), "Dark Heart"

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