[Dragaera] Great Weapons --- Spoilers

Maximilian Wilson wilson.max at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 18:58:07 PDT 2006


On 10/20/06, J C <greyw01f at hotmail.com> wrote:
> to render the laws of physics non-functional.  This object could easily take
> over the world in the right hands, given that all of our armies are now
> useless.  I would not be at all surprised if Godslayer, upon wakening, can
> cast its negation-properties in a beam from the blade, or maybe even raise a
> shield around the bearer...Dragaeran sorcerors get wtfpwned...

Useless? In the words of the Warlock: "A knife always works." ["Oh,"
said the barbarian, looking down at the knife sticking out of his
chest. "Oh." Then he fell over.]

> The uses we have seen GS put to:  destroying a Jenoine by removing his
> defenses, and killing him like a normal weapon kills a normal person.
> Removing the defenses of the SiG.  Removing the magic effects of the Jenoine
> weapon aimed at Verra (healing Vlad as a result).  Eventually, the blade
> will kill Verra.  We've seen it intercept untold number of spells.

Minor addition: it also healed Vlad before, erasing a wound on his
hand. I think that was in /Phoenix/.

More important point: the Jenoine have access to other kinds of magic
than sorcery, which Spellbreaker couldn't block. Yet when the Jenoine
first showed up at the Lesser Sea, they had defenses prepared which
the gods and other Great Weapons couldn't penetrate (except for a
certain dragon). GS cut through those defenses. So the question: can
Teldra negate magical effects besides sorcery? Does this include some
of the "it's not that kind of magic" Jenoine stuff?

-Max Wilson

Be pretty if you are, be witty if you can,
But be cheerful if it kills you.

Everything in Windows is very simple, but the simplest thing is difficult.

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