[Dragaera] (no spoilers) The 17 [Great Weapons]

tom sausman inuyashadontask at netscape.net
Fri Aug 11 22:32:15 PDT 2006

> Fate encompasses the idea that who and what you are will dictate, to a 
> degree, the actions that you take in life. At some certain, 
> fundamental level, you are incapable of acting against the essence of 
> what you are at your very core. Does this negate the concept of "free 
> will"? Certainly not. But again, at that fundamental level, who you 
> are helps to determine what your so-called "free will" will cause you 
> to choose to do and to be. To this extent, you are at the mercy of 
> your own fate--and you have no one to blame for it but yourself.

              But if one is say bypolar or even indesive ( trouble 
picking one over the other ), or have trouble choosing like Vlad at 
times. The first part is like saying a dog will act like a dog, could 
explain it more? The second part I will disagree with because depending 
on the company you will "choose" to do different things, nt based on 
Fate but based on who is near on or something close to that idea. Such 
as, if Vlad was near The Demon, the Jhereg one, he would keep his 
wise-cracks to Loiosh, while if he was with Morrolan it's the other away 
around. The last part, if poeple can "change their colors" as the 
sayings goes that will mean they are able to change their Fate at which 
case it is no longer Fate.

> Darwin talked about genetic evolution. Of the nature of plants and 
> animals to evolve, within their natures, to suit their environments. 
> This is not contrary to the concept of fate--far from it. In fact, it 
> might be considered a form of fate in and of itself. Evolution means 
> you are adapting in the way that allows you to survive. Or not 
> surviving. In this way, you may be fated to become extinct. 

                 That whole statement is what I said about betting on 
the winning team. It's tnot Fate it's survival and need. Things need/ 
want to survive so their adapt to suit, or they die not because they're 
Fated but because they are unlluckly.... I can't keep argueing like this 
all the big words I can't spell, my brain is hurting from on this 
phlasorphl ( see I forgot how to spell that with the whole studying of 
different ideas, trains of thought, etc. )

> Well, that was my question. If you believe that to be true, then at 
> least I know where you stand on the subject. I don't necessarily 
> disagree with you on this, but I like to keep myself open to other 
> possibilities, since there's really no hard evidence, one way or the 
> other. 

           See thats my point, thats like Fate you didn't see wiether 
you believe it or not just said that you know where I stand. In my 
opinion Fate is superfaceal, such as one can only say "oh thats Fate" 
when everything is done and over with.

> ell, this is where metaphor meets reality. Certainly, Dragaerans 
> believe that the cycle is a great wheel that sits in the Paths of the 
> Dead, near the Halls of Judgment.

                         That may be true but has we know and I care the 
thing call the Cycle does exist, you said you me that " oh yeah man the 
Cycle appeared out of nowherre from the Raw Amphria" I would believe you 
because the book is that ambugious to me.

> But then, the Halls and the Paths are both ethereal, dreamlike places 
> where physical objects can take on meanings much greater than in the 
> ":real" world. 

             How are they celestial, surely they are "out of this world" 
but divine or even godlike, the Dragaens themselfs regard gods has a 
mere skill obtain by someone. With so many beings with such skill and 
devesre ideas you are bound to create a dreamlike place.

> Can a man fight against his very nature?

 Isn't that called having a conisance, you know that wooden boy with big 
nose when he lies and that cricket.... man I tried.

> I do not believe there were any Jenoine present during /Taltos/.

   Theres a part I believe it when Vlad returns from the Paths ( sorry 
not giving you the page numbers while you gave me them) where he looks 
at Sethra and says that she looks harrgard.

> An Easterner armed with a *Great Weapon* killed a Jenoine. If the 
> Jenoine are nuclear weapons in this analogy, then a Great Weapon in 
> the Death Star. If a fly lands on the "fire" button on the Death star, 
> a whole planet full of nuclear weapons might just vanish in a very 
> pretty Hollywood special effect.

            But didn't Morrolan and Aliera barely inflicted any damged 
while they had "two Death Stars" ( Now I know where you stand). However 
the question still stand who/what are the fly(ies).

     Caw Caw I love..... what do I love?... sorry I got bored again.


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