[Dragaera] How do I get off this list?

Johne Cook johne.cook at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 21:35:35 PDT 2006

On 8/25/06, Davdi Silverrock <davdisil at gmail.com> wrote:
> In addition to the excellent advice to consult the mailing list link
> (which is also in the mail headers, although that might not be
> obvious), I just want to point out that Yahoo mail supports folders
> and filters.  So if you wanted to create a folder for list e-mail, and
> then create a filter to direct list e-mail to that folder, it would be
> fairly easy to do so.  That way, if you wished, you could consult the
> folder at your leisure, and the non-list e-mail (which you presumably
> hold at a higher priority) would appear in your inbox unmixed with the
> list e-mail.

I do that with Gmail, and it works great.
johne cook - wisconsin, usa
| http://raygunrevival.com | http://phywriter.com

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