[Dragaera] Some observations concerning the name Ibronka, with tangents

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 15:46:24 PDT 2006

Do you know, Google has less than 400 hits total on this name.

If you subtract out various Brustian words (-dragaera -dzur -piro
-vlad) to remove hits related to his works, the number of hits drops
below 180.

All of the remaining hits appear to be references to the story "Pretty
Maid Ibronka" (Sometimes in German, "Schön Ibronka", or the original,
"Sziépjány Ibronka"), or to a character with that name in some sort of
play title "Táltos János" (interestingly enough), or to
nicknames/character names in various forums (fora?), which I would
guess come from either the folktale or Mr. Brust's work.

"Ibronka" is also not in "behindthename.com".

This looks to be a Hungarian telephone directory (Click on "Részletes
keresés", and put names into the field labeled "Név / Cégnév").


There are many hits on the names "Lajos", "Sandor", "Kati",
"Vladimir", "Janos", "Miklos", "Vilmos", "Brigitta", and "Tivadar",
for example ("Vladimir" being less common than the others, presumably
for its Slavicness).

There are zero results for "Ibronka".

It looks like it's not in fact a common name, or even a rare Hungarian
name. I'd guess that it's a name which is used solely in the folktale
- something like "Rapunzel", or like that.

Hmm.  "ördögszerető" appears to be the Hungarian for "demon lover"
(ördög="devil, fiend, bogy"; szerető="lover, paramour"), which is kind
of what "Pretty Maid Ibronka" is about.

Any Hungarians around are welcome to translate the rest of this, which
appears to be an entry from a Hungarian folklore dictionary (Magyar
Néprajzi Lexikon):


In addition, here's the page for taltos:


And here's the page for garaboncias:


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