[Dragaera] Emma Bull's Territory, and Will Shetterly's Dogland sequel: Gospel of the Knife

Jeff Log0n5150 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 19 08:58:08 PDT 2007

> You know, I have a LJ, and I have a few friends on my list, but I
> have no idea how to find his friends list on LJ--or to find his LJ at
> all, since I don't know the LJ ID.  When you just casually mention
> stuff like that, it is of no help whatever.
> -- 
> Regards, Pete
> pgranzeau at cox.net

I'm trying to get a job at Microsoft, so I am practicing the dissemination
of accurate but useless information. I assume you can find his LJ page, from
there click on his name, then look for a link that says user info. The
problem is, many LJ users customize it so the link could be anywhere, and
called anything.

But, being the helpful fellow I am, here is a direct link to his profile,
and Emma's as well.




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