[Dragaera] Crack? Or not a crack?

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Feb 11 21:40:54 PST 2007

On Sun, 11 Feb 2007, Davdi Silverrock wrote:

> However, it never occurred to me that that was how Vlad's statement
> was meant to be interpreted - I always read it as (and still do read
> it as): 'I don't know why Easterners use the term "buried" for
> "outlived"', with the reason for the puzzlement not being because Vlad
> does not know that the dead are buried, but rather, because Vlad does
> not know why survival is referred to in such utterly morbid terms.

I think there's merit to your position, but I'm on Jesse Thomas's side
here.  Vlad has to know that living a long time means burying a lot
of people.

I hardly think it's a crack, though.

> SKZB is welcome to contribute his own ideas, if he can spare the time
> from breaking the minds of the unworthy.


I note that there's probably loads of discussion material on that page,
or so it seems to me having read a few sections.

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