[Dragaera] Morrolan's claims to witness Zerika's descent

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Sat Feb 17 13:38:10 PST 2007

On 2/17/07, Philip Hart  wrote:
> All this is at the foundation of the naive Sethra-as-Paarfi theory, an
> alternative being the cynical Sethra-as-Paarfi theory which has the main
> actors being happy to have false information about them disseminated.

I'd like to suggest a modification to the Sethra-as-Paarfi theory:
The Tukko-as-Paarfi theory.

Tukko comes across as being far more important in the Paarfiad than we
see of him directly in the Vladiad, which makes me suspect that Tukko
handles Sethra's correspondence, and is the one that reads what Paarfi
writes, and responds to Paarfi with information that greatly elevates
himself, while pretending to be Sethra.

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