[Dragaera] agnosticism (no flame) (was, long ago: (no spoilers) The 17 [Great Weapons])

Ken Koester kkoester at email.ers.usda.gov
Tue May 22 11:01:35 PDT 2007

Howard Brazee wrote:

>I believe in science, I have faith that I will succeed.
>At one time religions were taught the same way as other disciplines - 
>"faith" wasn't considered necessary, things could be checked just as 
>they can be checked in history.   Miracles could be tested, etc.

I find the assertions in the above paragraph to be dubious in the 
extreme, and strongly doubt religion was ever taught that way, or looked 
on in that way by more than a few rare individuals.

>But if I go to some proselytizers from various religions and ask them 
>for evidence so that I can pick the correct religion, neither they nor I 
>have confidence that they can demonstrate that the other religions are 
Obviously never attended an old-time revival meeting. . . .


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