[Dragaera] States and violence (was Re: OT: Ray Bradbury)

Jon Lincicum lincicum at comcast.net
Sun Jul 22 19:19:45 PDT 2007

Jerry Friedman wrote:
> --- Davdi Silverrock <davdisil at gmail.com> wrote:
> I suppose that's true.  However, Morrolan tells Vlad, "A formal
> declaration of war isn't called for in an action of this type.
> I'll just send him a message demanding the return of the sword,
> or accusing him of stealing it, and that will accomplish the
> same thing" (Chapter 3, p. 55 of the paperback).  I find it
> hard to imagine that if Fornia and Morrolan need a war
> license, they don't need a formal declaration of war.

In a feudal society, a Lord has pretty much free reign within his own 

Assuming that the entirety of the war between Fornia and Morrolan occurs 
within their respective territories, there is no reason for the Empire 
to be involved in any way.

(IIRC, Sethra and Morrolan's plans for the war called for them to invade 
Fornia's lands, then camp out and wait for a counter-attack, so it seems 
likely the entire affair was conducted within Fornia County.)

Any interference from the Empress, in what, in this case, is an entirely 
internal affair between Fornia and Morrolan, would likely be seen as 
unacceptable intervention by every other landholder in the entire 
Empire. Unless one or both of them asked for Imperial Assistance or 

> At first there's not a whole lot about vegetation, cultivated
> or other.  In Chapter 10, after the first battle, the army
> reaches the near-desert west of the mountains, with "harsh,
> rocky ground".  Then in Chapter 12 there's a long march, always
> west of the mountains, till they reach Baritt's Tomb, with "a
> few hills here and there, and off to the southwest a flat plain
> covered with rocks and low grass, then a tall hill beyond."
> They're definitely not in cropland most of the time, and they
> may not be ever.
> In any case, there seems to be little delay between provocation
> and war, so we don't know whether the time of year is
> particularly suitable in any way.

Well, the timing of the events that set off the war were up to Fornia. 
Since he probably would have figured the engagements would be fought on 
his own territory, he had a vested interest in making sure it happened 
at a time when an invading army would not be as well provisioned by his 
own agriculture. So, it would make sense for it to be early spring, 
prior to planting season. This would also match up pretty well with the 
rain and mud described by Vlad.

>  (I'm enjoying the image of the Demon showing up
> in the Adrilankha office of the Department of Large-Scale
> Armed Conflicts and Morrolan showing up in the Southmoor office
> to request their war licenses.  "A hundred seventy orbs,
> please.")

I find it extremely unlikely someone would say "a hundred seventy Orbs" 
rather than just "ten Imperials".  ;-)

> In fact, I don't remember anyone ever needing a license for
> anything except prostitution.  And gambling and selling
> psychedelics?

Hmm... I don't recall prostitution requiring a license, either. Was this 
mentioned someplace I'm not remembering?


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