[Dragaera] Bestsellers

Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Jul 27 12:30:12 PDT 2007

I'll let you know once I get my Brust in the mail.

One warning, however: Don't buy your Brust on Ebay.  You never know if 
you'll be getting a cheap knock-off or the real thing.  Although, you 
should be able to spot a fake Brust easily: their writing isn't as good 
and they desire nothing more for sustenance than McDonalds and 
spritzers; and they enjoy talking about the toenails of wombats, for 
some reason.

The best thing about buying a bestselling Brust?  Their resale value 
never drops, but continues to rise.


Maximilian Wilson wrote:
> I was just looking at the back of my Dzur novel, "by the bestselling
> author of Dragon and Issola." I can't help wondering what it's like to
> be a bestselling author. Does it make you feel good because you're
> highly valued? Or does it just make you feel degraded? And, what do
> people do with an author once they've bought him?
> Steve?
> -Max

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