[Dragaera] "Hide My Track" Firefly vid

Tara O'Shea ljconstantine at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 21 14:52:40 PDT 2007

And I only just now realised I must have replied to the list instead of the original poster.
*facepalms* Okay, so now I'm thick. But flattered. And I'll go hide now for making such a total n00b mistake. You'd never believe I've been online for over 15 years.
The vid actually premiered at a wee tiny con that's all music vids two years ago--I haven't made very many (I used to vid using VCRs back in the 1990s) because I don't have good non-linear video editing capabilities at home (tho weirdly, I do at work). But "Firefly" was a very special fandom for me, and it seemed logical to turn to vidding, after spending most of 2003 writing short storeis and novellas for fun on the internets (alas, not so much with the porn. Yes, I know the internets are for porn, but I'm an Old Skool fanzine type girl, and I'm pretty much gen all the way, sadly). But there are actually a few vidders out there who have used BiL and Flash Girls songs in media vids for the premires show at that particular con, I just followed in their footsteps... At least I didn't need to learn Mandarin for the vid.
Right, so I'm gonna fade back into the woodwork now. But so glad folks enjoyed it!

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