[Dragaera] Groups in Jhegaala (spoilers?)

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Mon Jul 28 00:32:03 PDT 2008

On Mon, 28 Jul 2008, Jose Marquez wrote:

> There
> once
> was
> a
> Jhereg
> named
> Tagichatn
> Whose
> name
> seemed
> to
> sound
> like
> Taishatinin
> This
> limerick
> sucks
> I might have missed it up-thread, but I don't know if anyone's mentioned this 
> yet. Starting with the prologue with Noish-pa, every time I read about Guilds 
> and Covens, they fell into a familiar pattern in my mind: Guild ~= Right 
> Hand, Coven ~= Left Hand. This seemed to be especially acute in Burz, where 
> the Right Hand, excuse me, the *Guild* seemed to have its fingers in every 
> business pie in town. Both the Guild and the Coven in Burz seemed to require 
> membership of any potential competitors, and it was implied that 
> strong-arming of various varieties was employed to make sure everyone toed 
> the proper line. The Coven had secret leadership, and I seem to recall this 
> is a similar hallmark of the Left Hand, although it's late and I'm too tired 
> to look this up more thoroughly. This is a good enough start.

Cool idea.  And then the Empire would be the Count - powerful but not
really that present in South Adrilahnka.  Sort of makes _Jhegaala_ a
mirror of both _Teckla_/_Phoenix_ and _Dzur_.

Incidentally, the lack of women in the RH seems all the stranger after 
reading _Dzur_, with its emphasis on the elite and esoteric nature of 
the LH, and_Jhegaala_, with its emphasis on the gender inequalities 
in (this part of?) Fenario.

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