[Dragaera] If the Vlad books were made into a movie...

Alexx Kay alexx at panix.com
Fri Sep 19 14:21:59 PDT 2008

> Khaavren appears in /Phoenix/,

In a relatively unimportant background shot, which would be unlikely to
make it into a movie, or to have a name actor playing the part even if it

>Pel is obliquely mentioned in /Orca/,

???  Please elaborate; I didn't notice that, and I *just* reread that
book!  Khaavren is actually a fairly significant character, albeit
entirely offscreen.

At any rate, "obliquely mentioned" doesn't make for a likely film appearance.

> Adron "appears" in /Issola/.

In a form that would certainly be played by CGI, not by an actor.


"Silence is the perfectest herald of joy:
 I were but little happy, if I could say how much."
     -- William Shakespeare

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