[Dragaera] OT: Yojimbo

Maximilian Wilson wilson.max at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 18:45:04 PST 2008

>From the David Drake FAQ:

<<Did you take the plot of THE SHARP END from Kurosawa's Yojimbo  or
from Leone's A Fistful of Dollars?
No, I took the plot from Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett, his first
novel (a fixup from novellas he'd written for Black Mask magazine in
the late 1920s). Kurosawa took Hammett's plot for his fine Samurai
film (I'm told there may have been a Japanese gangster novel as an
intermediary, but I haven't seen it myself), and Leone then turned
Kurosawa's film into the first of his Spaghetti Westerns. I'm familar
with (and like) both films, but I read Hammett before I saw them and
have reread him often since then. I'm a little surprised to be asked
this question so often, because my credit to Hammett in the front of
the novel is explicit. Apparently a lot of people expect more
originality of the film industry than I do.>>


"The presentation or 'gift' of the Holy Ghost simply confers upon a
man the right to receive at any time, when he is worthy of it and
desires it, the power and light of truth of the Holy Ghost, although
he may often be left to his own spirit and judgment." --Joseph F.
Smith (manual, p. 69)

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brethren, ye have done it unto me."

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