[Dragaera] Is this thing on? tap tap...

Konrad Gaertner kgaertner at tx.rr.com
Sat Nov 29 17:07:49 PST 2008

"A. Craig West" wrote:
> P.S. I don't suppose anybody in the Toronto area has a copy of Sign of
> the Unicorn I could borrow, it seems to be the only one I am missing,
> and I will be getting to it soon....

I don't live in the area, but WorldCat claims the University of
Toronto has two copies (one at St. Michael's and another at Victoria) 
and two more at McMaster University and the University of Guelph.  
Didn't see any Canadian public libraries though.

Konrad Gaertner - - - - - - - - - - - - email: kgaertner at tx.rr.com
         Future Member of Ben Franklin's Undead Pixy Army

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