[Dragaera] Is this thing on? tap tap...

Kenneth Gorelick pulmon at mac.com
Sun Nov 30 00:59:35 PST 2008

My original copies fell apart decades ago. I bought a single volume  
compilation of all 10 books a few years ago on Amazon.
Good luck!
On Nov 30, 2008, at 2:40 AM, A. Craig West wrote:

> It's been a couple of weeks since the last message on the list,
> hopefully it's still up...
> I just started re-reading Zelazny's Amber books again (always a
> worthwhile thing to do) and was reminded of the similarity in styles
> between the two authors. I don't think I am going anywhere in
> particular with this, but I figured it was worth mentioning, in case
> somebody on the list doesn't happen to be familiar with Zelazny.
> -Craig
> P.S. I don't suppose anybody in the Toronto area has a copy of Sign of
> the Unicorn I could borrow, it seems to be the only one I am missing,
> and I will be getting to it soon....
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