[Dragaera] Catching up with the messenger

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Mon Dec 29 22:32:24 PST 2008

On Sun, 28 Dec 2008, Jerry Friedman wrote:

> narrative that
> pretends the reader's time is the same as the character's,
> here's something from the chapter "A Public Announcement"
> of /Midnight's Children/ (1981), by Salman Rushdie:

I've been rereading _The Brothers Karamazov_, this time in the
Pevear/Volokhonsky translation, which is reportedly much the best
but seems to emphasize some characteristics of Dostoevsky's writing
that I find grating.  Anyway, I rather wonder if the overt narrative 
voice is an influence, perhaps indirect, on Paarfi, esp. later Paarfi.
The book itself shares many concerns with the Vladiad.  I'm just not
going to reread _Crime and Punishment_, but maybe that's even more
relevant.  And of course people can look for parallels between Prince 
Myshkin and Morrolan of the Piroiad, but sadly I doubt there are any.

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