[Dragaera] Dragaera Casting

Scott Schultz scott at cjhunter.com
Wed Jun 2 16:01:35 PDT 2010


Going with what Phil and I were discussing, the idea that Vlad is mid/late
twentiesh when _Jhereg_ opens, I suddenly realized that Wil Wheaton might
make a passably good stab at Vlad. He has the looks, the personality, and
even the "bad guy" acting chops. If you can put Wesley Crusher out of your
mind, adult Wil is a pretty good choice.

If you're making a movie, there's no particular reason why Vlad has to be
any given age when the story starts. The stories are vague enough that you
can't even really pin-point how hold Vlad is without a lot of inference.
IMO, his personality and maturity works better as an older man anyway. For
his formative years, you just hire a kid who looks a bit like Wesley
Crusher. Heh.

I'll have to think about the rest of the cast.

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