[Dragaera] House Phoenix

J C greyw01f at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 28 19:46:26 PDT 2010

So, I was thinking.

What happens to those Phoenix (Phoenices? :P) who do NOT have a Phoenix fly over their head at the moment of their birth?  Which house do they join?  Jhereg, or Teckla?  If the latter, would that help to explain the seeds of revolution?  Teckla on their own might not be able to muster enough...pride...in order to stage a successful movement--but if a Phoenix who is banished from his house before he even gets going in life starts it, then....

Also--I'd like to present the opportunity to resolve the Phoenix paradox: Perhaps someone from ANY house is eligible for entry into House Phoenix (sorry, been reading Dune again) if a Phoenix passes over at the moment of their birth.  (by the way, how precise are we talking here?  The same day?  As the baby is delivered?  During labour?)

This would allow the house to have even a few numbers, as opposed to having a house of a handful of people that inevitably dwindles down to 0 at the slightest provocation.  Phoenix flying over are not very rare after all.  Perhaps the bird itself has its population boom during a phoenix reign or the lead up to it?

That's actually something I'd really like to see, and something I think is quite likely to happen in the remaining novels:  Vlad meeting a phoenix (and having it connected to the birth of a new one, and the resurrection of the House---this must happen before Zerika dies, or else the house is destroyed, and the cycle falls.

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