[Dragaera] Two Words about Tiassa (spoilers)

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Apr 10 09:34:28 PDT 2011

On Sun, 10 Apr 2011, Claire Rojstaczer wrote:

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> The first involves Rynend
> Conclusion: one of the Rynends is an imposter. But which? And why?

I've been assuming that's a crack.  I thought there was some off-chance 
that Ryend has a secretary who fronts for him with dangerous strangers who 
don't know what he looks like (Norathar counts) and they coordinate 
psychically, but that seems very clunky.  I don't see any narrative reason 
to hide his methods or appearance, given that I figure his next visitor 
from the Council didn't call on him at home.

> The second involves the timing of Piro and Ibronka's visits to H'noc's 
> brothel. We are told (p. 90) that they visited "maybe half a year ago. 
> Then two or three times after that. The last time was last month." When 
> asked who entertained them, Omlo says "Neritha." He doesn't mention any 
> other names. And yet we're also told that Omlo hasn't seen Neritha "in, 
> I think, about three months." So clearly she didn't entertain them on 
> their last visit. I presume that visit was largely to speak with H'noc 
> about matters of business, in which case they would have seen no one at 
> all. That seems unusual enough for Omlo to mention--but he doesn't. 
> What's his motivation for hiding things?

I didn't notice this, but maybe he was busy at the time and heard 
second-hand that they had shown up.

Seeing you set out the above it seems a bit odd that Ibronka could be said 
to have fallen in love after two or three meetings tops, assuming Omlo is 
aware of all of them.

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