[Dragaera] Tiassa timeline -- spoiler

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Thu Apr 28 11:26:45 PDT 2011

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, Steve Rapaport wrote:

> On 28 April 2011 18:29, Jerry Friedman <jerry_friedman at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> T. S. T.
>>>> 1
>>>> 2
>>>> 3
>>>> 4
>>>>  5
>>>> One
>>>> Two
>>>> Three
>>>> Four
>>>> Five
>>>>  First
>>>> Second
>>>> Third
>>>> Fourth
>>>> Fifth
>>>>  Sixth
> INteresting questions!
>> Is it possible
>> the  Council or at least the Demon doesn't want the attempt to succeed, so
>> they haven't told people about LT?  Or is that too conspiratorial?
> It is.  More likely (unless I'm  missing something), the Council and the
> Demon don't want to give up on killing Vlad, and telling the assassins he
> has a Great Weapon (and a friend or two with more of them) might just make
> it impossible (or too expensive) to get assassins.

We have some evidence from _Jhereg_ that one can put out a contract on a 
GW wielder.  In this case we're talking about 5 thugs, not assassins, so 
it's ok for them to be ignorant; but I would think that if the council is 
sending out assassins while withholding critical info, there will soon be 
five new members.  It surely is the case that the entire Left Hand knows 
about LT, so it's hard to see how the organization doesn't.

>> too bad, the Empire doesn't want to talk about Lady Teldra.  But why 
>> keep it secret from Khaavren?

> I imagine that the people present at the battle of the Lesser Sea weren't
> talking much about it.  It's possible that Sethra passed a highly-edited
> account on to the Empire, and the Empress passed a further-edited version on
> to her people and the public.

I have a hard time believing Khaavren doesn't know about something so 
critical.  Unless there's some good reason for Sethra to elide Vlad. 
The only thing that comes to mind is S doesn't want Zerika feeling so 
strongly about Vlad's importance that she stomps on the Jhereg to protect 
him; this would help reconcile an argument I've been having with Alexx for 
a while.

It's simplest to have Paarfi have Khaavren not know as a way to bring in 
this info as part of his plan to achieve whatever he's after in writing 
his histories, isn't it?  Surely making an Easterner heroic fits with his 
portrayal of Crionofenarr and his overall program of attacking the racial 
mores of the Empire.

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