[Dragaera] Off-Topic Discussion: Occupy Wall Street
phoenix at ugcs.caltech.edu
phoenix at ugcs.caltech.edu
Thu Dec 15 09:27:25 PST 2011
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 05:18:03AM -0500, DoomMetal Darryl wrote:
> Matthew said it.
> Andy, your opinion reveals to us that you buy into the content of media
> sources like MSNBC. That you attack the intelligence of tea party members
So, which "media source" do you trust?
> The United States is 14 TRILLION dollars in debt. With no significant plan
For perspective, our GDP's that big too.
> to reverse course. The tea party was created by people who happened to be
> alarmed by this. If you're not in favor reversing this course, then you are
Oddly, these same people had been quiet during Bush's tax cut, which
added $2 trillion to the debt, not to mention the unpaid-for wars.
But once a Democrat is in charge, and the debt increases further due to
(a) tax revenues collapsing due to recession and (b) spending increasing
automatically to keep people from starving, suddenly the debt becomes a
biiig deal.
Though not to House Tea Party members, who passed rules saying that new
spending had to be paid for, but that tax cuts didn't.
> in favor of the destruction of the United States, because the course is
> unsustainable. (Check out Greece.)
I'm in favor of reversing course! By, say, raising taxes back to
sustainable levels. Also by economic stimulus sufficient to get the
economy back on track, because 9% unemployment isn't sustainable either.
"If you're not in favor of full employment policies, then you are in
favor of the destruction of the United States."
-xx- Damien X-)
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