[Dragaera] random thoughts on recent (or not) Texts

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sat Nov 5 11:44:09 PDT 2011

On Sat, 5 Nov 2011, Alexx Kay wrote:

> starting later. Further, in Jhereg, chapter 4, when Kragar thinks Vlad is
> considering geting help from Aliera for an assassination, he says "Boss,
> she's a /Dragon/. They don't /believe/ in assassination. They consider it
> a /crime/..." (Jr 55); this suggests strongly that he is unaware of the

That reminds me of something I forgot to put on my list - StY doesn't 
appear to care about having her coplotter and fellow Dragon assassinated. 
And no one remarks on this.  Vlad thinks StY and the SiG pretended to 
break up - maybe it was real but short-lived?

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