[Dragaera] possible small crack in _Tiassa_ or _Phoenix_

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Nov 13 14:13:11 PST 2011

Don't recall if someone already pointed out the full point below:

At the end of _Ph_, Vlad discovers to his great surprise that Verra is 
Aliera's mother (whatever that means).  And thus that Devera is Verra's 
granddaughter.  In _Ti_ in "The Silver Tiassa" Devera mentions her 
relationship to Verra twice (and also VN's future existence, which of 
course is very much less consistent).

In _Ph_ by the way there is a nice bit on pg. 136 where Vlad says to the 
Jhereg representative, "I don't lie" and one gets the sense he means it 
(maybe the follow-up "I'm cultivating a reputation for honesty so I can 
blow it when something big comes along" in a Sethran sense_).

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