[Dragaera] Tiassa [nothing but spoilers]
Philip Hart
philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sat Apr 2 00:03:32 PDT 2011
Some random number of random comments: another strong Text, if more a
story cycle than a novel.
I think the early Paarfiad is great, but I like everything in the Vladiad
far more than the Piroiad (and now I have a simple explanation - he
didn't have the tiassa for the latter volumes), and there were quite a few
pages in the Khaavren section where I wished anyone else was narrating.
Yeah, so it's totally clear Sethra's not Paarfi, one of a few places I
half felt the Text was speaking directly to me - the Orb location stuff
was another (because why not kill Kana that way), and I guess we've argued
about how Vlad would trust anyone with his deepest secrets (we didn't
think of trinkets, probably).
Interesting portrait of Piro - he's pretty engaging, until he comes off
really badly. I guess he doesn't just call Vlad out because of bigotry?
Pretty sad in someone who's violating a major tenet of his society. And
I don't quite understand how a Dzur could go along with this. The two of
them seem deeply petty - they should have asked Neritha to leave the
brothel, and from what Omlo says it sounds like a good offer would have
done it. I didn't understand "My father will understand" at all, unless
it means that Khaavren has low expectations for him anyway.
(I've been wondering for a while how Piro is still the Viscount - I would
think that House Tiassa would refuse to allow him to retain the title.)
Didn't think the "what did they lie to you" thing translated well. I
don't understand "turn my bait".
I wonder if Omlo has lent his acting talents to other schemes. I thought
he was well drawn, or at least if there's more there.
Does Vlad kill H'noc for betraying him (haven't we seen him keep his word
in some similar situation - I'm not recalling off-hand) or for treating
Neritha viciously?
The plot twists here (some of which I saw, some of which I totally missed
coming) are very, well, tasty.
So Pel is still PM. I'm a bit surprised - in discussing _Iorich_ here I
said I didn't think he would have let things get so out of hand there (and
in _Orca_ and even _Teckla_/_Phoenix_ - oh, no mention of the first time
we and I guess Vlad saw Khaavren?).
I found the "Jhereg fake Jenoine invasion to get Vlad" idea hard to
believe - Sethra would have gotten involved (and learned about the
tiassa and unraveled the plot), the gods should have reported, five
toughs against Vlad and two jheregs on his territory isn't anything like
a good bet (why not just send your best guy into the general area),
Zerika could have just said to the Jhereg Council, "You've got a rogue
guy playing Jenoine, clean up this mess or I'll have the five of you
stacked up on a star to save the executioner trouble, and the top guy
goes on bottom".
I quite liked the Cawti/Daro scenes. I have to wonder if Daro will be
moved to learn a bit more than nothing (maybe that's unfair, but I'm with
Cawti here) about what's going on in the parts of the city where she
doesn't spend much time. I'm a little surprised actually that she is
apparently so unfamiliar with such a large group of inhabitants of her
county (and presumably Teckla issues as well), given the very recent
upsets - and also Cawti herself has been at a lot of Morrolan's parties
not to mention being best friends with the Heir, which would one might
think make her known to Whitecrest.
The stuff about the Warlock was very interesting. He and Vlad have a
whole lot to talk about, I wonder why they haven't.
As the gun has to be fired during the play, VN is going to see something
fascinating in the other place.
So many old friends assembled, but not Morrolan or Daymar - oh well.
I was confused about Vlad losing Lady Teldra - somehow I would have
thought that wouldn't happen. I'm a bit surprised she didn't kill all
the ones she wounded - did I miss a clue showing him using plain steel?
(Does he get healed midfight if he's holding her?) Obviously one would
guess she'd be less likely to eat the souls of Issolas. I wonder what
she thinks of Sara. The latter needs more characterization soon.
I wonder if "Issola bard" in Athyra is now a bit of a crack.
I wondered if Khaavren was leaning on "wife" a bit hard at the end.
I had the sense that the book could go on and on - usually I think,
"Well, that was really good, can't wait to see what the next one is like".
This time I thought, "Well, that was really good, why isn't there more?".
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