[Dragaera] Kosadr - Court Wizard?

Jonathan Carey carey.jonathan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 16:13:39 PDT 2011

So the problem with Kosadr is that he says he's the court wizard, by
saying "I've held this position..."

I've no idea whether or not 20 years is a long time for a Dragaeran to
hold a post---but it might very well have been in the reign of a
decadent phoenix or earlier.

It all hinges on the translation of whatever word is used for "this".

I know in Spanish, "this" and "that" can be confused quite readily by
a beginner.  Perhaps it's possible that SB simply misheard the word?
"I've held THAT position for 20 years" becomes much more manageable
from a concordance standpoint--PARTICULARLY if he was the CW during a
period where the Jenoine were making incursions--and there have been
several in the last few hundred/thousand years.  Certainly long enough
for an accomplished wizard (one who deals with sorcery that's just
this side of necromancy, with all its life-extending side-effects, to
boot) to have lived and served as CW for a paltry period of time but
still be called upon when Jenoine start making noises, or at least
appear to be.

What do you guys think?

It's Occam's Razor approved imho.


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