[Dragaera] [Agyar] So...

Rebecca Harbison beccastareyes at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 14:58:23 PDT 2011

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Johne Cook <johne.cook at gmail.com> wrote:
> ...what /was/ the strange thing the dog did in the night? I don't get the
> reference and have always wondered what this referred to.
> Johne Cook

If I recall, it's a Sherlock Holmes reference (Wikipedia tells me the
story in question is 'Silver Blaze').  The curious thing that the dog
in the story did was 'nothing'.  Basically, one of the clues that the
actual suspect in question wasn't a stranger to the house was that the
dog wasn't disturbed by the nighttime activities, while it would have
barked at a strange person walking about.

-- Rebecca Harbison

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