[Dragaera] random thoughts on recent (or not) Texts

Alexx Kay alexx at panix.com
Sat Nov 5 08:04:52 PDT 2011

> I could have sworn that somewhere in /Dragon/ it is suggested that
> Baritt's
> rise to power was unexpected with the suggestion that his (secret)
> possession of Pathfinder was the cause, but I can't find the passage.

Hardcover pages 92-93 (chapter 6):
 He hesitated. "All right, I'll tell you part of it. Baritt was feared as
a sorcerer. He had a great deal of influence within the House and within
the Empire. He was very good at getting what he wanted. Before the
Interregnum, he was Imperial Sorcerer for a few hundred years. He
defended himself against various attacks from various sources with
amazing success. He . . . well, he was very good."
 "All right, I'm with you so far."
 "He was too good."
 "Excuse me?"
 "He did things he ought not to have been able to do. He stood off armies
on his own. At one point he defied the Imperium and made it stick. Things
like that."
 "Sounds like you."
 "I've been wondering for years how he did it. I've come to the conclusion
that he had help."
 "What sort of help?"
 "That's the question, isn't it? Either the aid of a deity or something
 "Such as?"
 "Such as he possessed something. Something powerful. Perhaps an object of
some kind—"
 "Say, a sword?"
 "Say, a Great Weapon?"
 "That's my guess," said Morrolan. "Based on the fact that it was stolen."

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