[Dragaera] Some things to read while waiting for Hawk

Konrad Gaertner kgaertner at tx.rr.com
Tue Nov 13 13:21:35 PST 2012

[It's been so long since I've posted to this list, I'd forgotten how.]

Philip Hart wrote:
> I've read several books and sequences lately by authors mostly or
> entirely new to me and, judging from my example, likely to appeal in
> different ways to people who like SKZB's work.

> Rosemary Kerstein

Actually, her name is spelled Kirstein.  Absolutely amazing author,
I just wish she'd write faster.  It's so rare to see strong female 
characters who are also intelligent (and shown to be intelligent, not 
just claimed so by the author), and also honest.

Another favorite series is Michelle Sagara's Elantran Chronicles, 
which start with _Cast in Shadow_.  High fantasy police procedural,
with a sort of inverted Mary Sue: the universe *does* revolve around 
her, which is very unpleasant for her and potentially disasterous
for the universe.

And if you like Nifty Magic Systems, anything by Brandon Sanderson
would be good.

Konrad Gaertner - - - - - - - - - - - - email: kgaertner at tx.rr.com
"I don't mind hidden depths but I insist that there be a surface."
                          -- James Nicoll

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