[Dragaera] it's late and i'm a little punchy

Jon Lincicum via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Mon Nov 24 10:27:43 PST 2014

----- Original Message ----- 

> From: "Scott Schultz via Dragaera" <dragaera at lists.dragaera.info>

> Adron was never the Emperor, not even for the sixty seconds that he took to
> teleport Khaavren and company to safety. The feedback loop would never have
> happened because *the Cycle had not turned*.
> According to its normal function, the Orb would have sought out the next
> Phoenix in line after Tortaalick. The only way for the Orb to attempt to
> make Adron emperor, establishing the feedback loop that made Adron
> attempting to steal the Orb from himself, would be for the Orb to be *wrong*
> about the current phase of the Cycle.

I do not think it is as simple as that. 

I do not see the cycle turning as being a simple boolean true/false situation. There is a /process/ that happens when the cycle changes. Perhaps the Orb choosing out the next emperor is merely the first stage of that process? Except that Adron's spell /interrupted/ the change of the cycle, so /as a result of that spell/ the cycle *did not* change where it normally would have?

The Orb would not be "wrong" about who the next emperor should have been; and it would not have had "a bug". Its normally processing was disrupted from outside at a critical moment, causing a system crash. Basically, Adron DDOSed the Empire. 

> I wonder if the Lords of Judgment addressed the problem when they upgraded
> the Orb?

I'm sure they installed OrbOS 3.0, with all the latest firmware updates. Unfortunately, they also consulted Apple for advice on the design, so it doesn't inter-operate correctly with any of the other magical world-stones anymore. 


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