[Dragaera] Helen O'loy (Was RE: Ways to lose a finger)

Philip Hart via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Mon May 12 13:28:10 PDT 2014

On Mon, 12 May 2014, Scott Schultz via Dragaera wrote:

> [...]

> Maybe Del Rey's narration is too convincing and critics feel the need 
> to treat it as if *his* ideal woman is a machine programmed to be Suzy 
> Homemaker? The real crux of the whole thing is that Helen develops an 
> actual personality and she likes her life and loves her creator. There's 
> never any indication (that I can remember) that her feelings are 
> anything but authentic.  Maybe that's evil? I dunno.

I'll have to reread the story myself before commenting on it, but I should 
note that in a Dragaeran context we could consider the early-published 
part of the Vladiad where he's a happy assassin and one might find the 
treatment of the violence as overly glamorous.  I think I didn't react 
that way (it's been - geez, over 30 years since _Jhereg_ was published 
[and I first read it] - how did we miss celebrating the anniversary?) 
but perhaps some of the events in _Teckla_ and _Jhegaala_ comment on this, 
or the conclusion of the "Tag" section of _Tiassa_ - really much of the 
rest of the Texts for that matter.

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