[Dragaera] Hawk

Alexx Kay via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Thu Oct 16 12:15:11 PDT 2014

> So, in my earlier email, I alluded to a bunch of other things I was
> thinking about regarding Hawk.
> I'm just gonna dump them all in one place, and any replies can be subject
> lined according to the topic they're under if you're interested. Spoilers
> below, after the break. C&S and Jokes are not spoilers, though, so feel
> free to read those.
> ******Here there be Spoilers*****
> ******Here there be Spoilers*****
> ******Here there be Spoilers*****
> ******Here there be Spoilers*****

> Vlad alludes to the fact that his soul had
> a destiny, but that he discarded it,

I'd like to point out here that Vlad is extremely capable of wishful
thinking and deliberate blindness concerning certain topics.

> Why is Gold/Black Phoenix Stone so damned unheard of in the Empire?  I
> mean, yeah, it's rare, but..so are Morganti weapons, and they're all over
> the damn place in Hawk.  Presumably someone's figured uot (even before
> Vlad
> showed them) just how useful the two types of stone can be

Most people aren't on the run.  It wouldn't be terribly hard in our world
to build a portable, automatic EMP generator, that would periodically
short out all high technology within several yards of you.  Who do you
know who wants to wear that?  Yeah, nobody can bug your phone -- but you
have no phone!

There isn't lots of Phoenix Stone in use, because most people don't want
to use it.  Magic is too ubiquitous and useful.  Morganti weapons fill a
need (albeit an awful, awful one), so people find ways to get them.

There's one (known) place within the Empire that uses lots of Phoenix
Stone: the Imperial Dungeons.  They obviously have a vested interest in
stopping 'guests' from using magic.

Hm.  Maybe there's some observer bias going on.  Vlad hangs out with
Jheregs and Dragonlords, so he sees Morganti weapons.  Maybe people who
hang out with Iorich all the time see Phoenix Stone more often.


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086-"Well, we know he's LAWFUL evil, so he should keep his word when
     he promised not to betray us."

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