[Dragaera] Dragaera Digest, Vol 92, Issue 12

Alexx Kay via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Sun Oct 26 09:09:19 PDT 2014

> Supposition:  perhaps the last book involves Vlad dying and is done in a
> different narrative voice, since Vlad isn't there to recount his exploits.
> If that's so, one wonders who would be chosen for the honour;

> I think Sethra would be out as narrator because she's Sethra.

And yet, she has *already* narrated one book, albeit not in her Sethra

At *least* one book.  Though I do not support the theory myself, no one
has yet dis-*proven* the "Paarfi is actually a joke identity of Sethra's"
theory yet.


"...as you say, the human experience is to try to relate it to others, and
 you do find yourself stuck between the rock of diminishing the experience
 by trying to express it lucidly and the hard place of expressing it
 accurately and coming across as ...well, "overwrought" hardly does it
 justice.  It took me about a week to come down far enough to even perceive
 how I was coming across in conversation: something of a cross between a
 Travelling Salvation Show preacher and Cthulhu himself."
    -- Dave Sim in correspondence with Alan Moore about _From Hell_

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