[Dragaera] it's late and i'm a little punchy

Jerry Friedman via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Wed Nov 26 06:53:32 PST 2014

> From: Scott Schultz via Dragaera <dragaera at lists.dragaera.info>

>But... one of the big themes in the Vladiad and the Paarfiad  is the
>unreliable narrator and Paarfi is particularly unreliable. He is a historian

>who dresses up his history to be entertaining instead of rigorous.

I can't argue with that.

>His>reputation amongst his peers is questionable. He writes authoritatively
>about things (like discussions amongst the Lords of Judgement) about which

>he could not possibly have first-hand knowledge.

He doesn't have first-hand knowledge of any of it.  He /could/ have second-hand
knowledge of all of it.  The gods can communicate with mortals, for instance.
Devera can go anywhere and eavesdrop (and she knows him).  It seems unlikely
that he has any eyewitness reports of conversations among the gods by themselves,
or between Grita and Illista, but he could.

Also, who knows what the silver tiassa does for him?  The mention that he had
it might be a hint that his inspirations are more reliable than we have a
right to expect.  Or it might not.

Jerry Friedman

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