[Dragaera] Not unthinkable

Howard Brazee via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Wed Aug 26 16:54:24 PDT 2015

There are some things that seem unthinkable until we see them long enough to think they may even be normal.

Sometimes I applaud the changes, sometimes I don’t.

When prime time TV introduced non-threatening gay characters into our homes, we started to accept them as such to such an extent that we are seeing real changes in attitudes.

But when prime time TV shows mass shooting - it also becomes “normal”, or at least thinkable.   And when people preach the need to arm ourselves while blaming all our failures upon others, “defending” ourselves from those who we blame becomes thinkable as well.

Sometimes we believe in peaceful change - sometimes we don’t.    And often we don’t even think about it.

It’s very easy for soldiers or cops or revolutionaries to watch their peers to figure out what’s “normal”, and emulate what they are doing and saying - especially when they are obviously different from what we were taught.

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