[Dragaera] Authorial Influences
Corey Reid via Dragaera
dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Sun Jan 15 08:31:20 PST 2017
Agreed! Stealing someone’s tone is just flattery!
I wrote a DRAGAERA fanfic based on a game that is much more a direct rip-off of Brust than yours:
https://medium.com/@barsoomcore/address-28428bf97a16#.qz5dcawur <https://medium.com/@barsoomcore/address-28428bf97a16#.qz5dcawur>
Now that DOES involve plagiarism since I stole at least two of his lines straight from Vlad books.
> On Jan 15, 2017, at 11:09 AM, Michele Riccio via Dragaera <dragaera at lists.dragaera.info> wrote:
> Scott - as for your conclusion, I'm not sure all writer's voices aren't a composite of authors they admire blended with the writer's own imagination.
> Humorous beats especially.
> We write what we 'know' - ie, we know how others have created stories so we do what they did. We pick up sentence structure like a child picks up an accent. We envision scenarios based on what movies/books we've consumed - but memory is a weird thing and what I garner from a book/author will be different from what stands out for you (mostly) - so the mix remains unique.
> Did you read "The Sun the Moon and the Stars" by Brust? It's about a bunch of artists and how they create. Also, there is a Hungarian folktale tucked in. Anyway - there is a scene where they discuss another artist's style 'creeping into' their own. You aren't alone in thinking about how one's writing is influenced.
> I wouldn't worry about plagiarism - there was no blatant copying (sounds like an interesting story though)
> Michele Riccio
> --------------------------------------------
> On Thu, 1/12/17, Scott Schultz via Dragaera <dragaera at lists.dragaera.info> wrote:
> Subject: [Dragaera] Authorial Influences
> To: "'Dragaera List'" <dragaera at dragaera.info>
> Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017, 11:36 AM
> For various reasons, I got inspired
> yesterday to write a fanfic around a
> game I play a lot. The particular scenario involves a
> three-way gang war,
> and a confrontation/negotiation between representatives of
> two of the
> factions.
> After I finished the first writing spell on it, I read the
> last thing I
> wrote and then almost laughed out loud.
> Here's what I wrote:
> ----
> "Now, Drixxie, it would be discourteous to drop in
> unannounced and kill your
> hosts. We just. disabled them a little."
> She paused as if thinking for a moment, then shrugged.
> "Some of them took more 'disabling' than others."
> Drixx made a mental note to double the current month's
> infirmary budget and
> to raise the pay of anybody who had managed to rate some
> extra "disabling".
> ----
> That last sentence made me laugh on re-reading it because I
> realized I was
> writing in "Vlad's voice". That was the exactly the kind of
> thing Steve
> would have written for Vlad. "Sticks is alive? Double his
> pay." In fact, I'm
> going to bet that he wrote that sort of thing more than once
> in the stories
> where Vlad is having territorial problems with his
> neighbors.
> It's just a throwaway fanfic so I'm not going to worry about
> whether I'm
> really "plagiarizing" Steve. I just thought it was
> interesting that when you
> have a favorite author whose stories you've read many
> times, that his or
> her "voice" can start to flow effortlessly out of your
> fingers as easily as
> your own.
> I suppose that professional authors, who are invariably
> voracious readers as
> well, have to deal daily with the issue of writing in their
> own unique
> "voice" without it being simply a composite of all of the
> "voices" they've
> collected from years of being a consumer of fiction.
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