[Dragaera] Dragaera Digest, Vol 116, Issue 3

Scott Schultz via Dragaera dragaera at lists.dragaera.info
Wed Jan 4 15:14:30 PST 2017

> Gods are limited too.   Do we have any examples of Dragaeran gods
> either appearance or nature to fit expectations and/or beliefs?

That's an excellent question. I can't think of any Gods appearing to a
mortal in a different form, though I have this nagging thought that we have
been told some sort of folklore to that effect. On the other hand, it was
probably something to do with Fenario, which would make it even more
unreliable than the average bit of lore we get about the state of the
Dragaeran universe.

There's always the question of Bolk, of course, and the idea of the "Taltos
Horse" in general, but I'm inclined to treat Bolk as a "godlike being"
rather than a fully-fledged "god".

Of course, Bolk and Verra are reminiscent of Mahasamatman (Sam to his
friends) and Brahma from _Lord of Light_ and the struggle between Bolk and
Verra for the future of Fenario is thematically reminiscent of the conflict
in that story.

In any case, it's difficult to take anything in _Brokedown Palace_ as being
very authoritative when it comes to the rest of the Dragaeran universe when
BP was pretty clearly a standalone project with questionable (initial)
relevance to the Vladiad.

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