[Dragaera] Dzur reactions (SPOILERS, dammit)

Kendra Vorenkamp kdvorenkamp at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 06:42:00 PDT 2006


While on the whole, I thought that it was a decent story, I too felt a bit
dissapointed with it. Without the elaborate description of the Valabar's
meal, it could have been a short story, IMHO.  I felt many of the scenes
were flat and the interactions between Vlad and Cawti/Kragar/Kiera were
lacking the spice that they normally have.

 I did enjoy meeting Telnan and Nightslayer and savoring the delectable meal
they shared (I got hungry every time a new chapter started.)  I missed
Teldra, but also Morrolan. I'm glad Vlad didn't confront him, but he is a
driving force in the Vladiad for me.

 I suppose the biggest dissapointment for me is that, for all this waiting
and speculating, we just get a tiny sliver of story and we'll have to wait
another long time for "Tiassa","Chreotha", or whatever to come out.  But, I
will read and reread all the books in anticipation for that book.

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