[Dragaera] Great Weapons

Jon Lincicum jlinc at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 4 17:51:35 PDT 2006

--- Maximilian Wilson <wilson.max at gmail.com> wrote:

> [Dzur spoilers, of necessity]
> .
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> On 9/4/06, serazh at bellsouth.net
> <serazh at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> >
> > First time posting here, and I just joined not
> long ago as a subscriber,
> > long time fan of Brusts books, I have enjoyed the
> Vlad series a lot, and
> > enjoyed meeting Steven Brust.
> >
> > My question is this, does anyone know of a list of
> the 17 great weapons,
> > and thier primary purposes? After reading Dzur and
> reading about the Dzur
> > weapon, I was trying to recall if I had seen them
> named or listed anywhere.
> > Anyone got any info on them? Or a partial list of
> them?
> >
> All Great Weapons are Morganti weapons, are capable
> of protecting their
> wielders from other Morganti weapons (given warning
> and a bit of luck), and
> convey a sense of well-being to their wielders when
> in close contact. They
> also connect the wielder to "powers beyond the
> world," and eventually
> require a test of wills with their wielder. What
> this means we don't know.
> So basically, we don't know much about them. Telnan
> doesn't know anything
> and Sethra isn't telling.

There is also a very good speculation page on the
Great Weapons over at the Lyorn Records Wiki:



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