[Dragaera] Mutual Friend

J C greyw01f at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 20 17:48:47 PDT 2006

Reading through the digest after being booted off the list for a presumably 
overlong lurk, I wanted to comment on a couple things:

I think that Kragar's mutual friend is Sethra, possibly in Kiera form.  Why 
shouldn't the most famous thief have met the most famous assassin?  
Especially given Sethra's involvement with Aliera--hell, it could have been 
that Sethra utilized Mario (who I imagine has a possession with Aliera's 
psychic resonance) and then utilized Morrolan to trace that psychic echo in 
order to triangulate on the staff's location.

In other words, I think it unlikely that Aliera was the mutual friend in 

At which point, Kragar is responding to Vlad's incorrect statement in such a 
way as to stop further inconvenient questions.


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