[Dragaera] Dragaeran Publication Date of _Five Hundred YearsAfter_

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Mon Oct 30 14:26:06 PST 2006

On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, Davdi Silverrock wrote:

> Not if [Aliera] didn't know [Paarfi] was a historical novelist, rather
> than a historian with an actual, rather than pretended, interest in
> accurate reporting.

We don't know what he is, afaik.

> Dragons traditionally do not consider murder to be honorable.  This
> may be hypocritical of them, given their violent tendencies, but they
> at least have the conceptual fig-leaf that those they oppose in
> personal duels and in wartime are able to fight back or surrender.
> Those who murder the defenseless - as Tortaalik was defenseless when
> the Orb shut down - are openly despised by the Dragonlords.

If one is dueling with an opponent who has a vastly superior weapon,
and one disarms him or her, does one have to allow him or her to
retrieve it?  What about Fornia's death?

> By showing Aliera as being intimate with a Jhereg assassin, and
> colluding with that assassin in an assassination, Paarfi put Aliera in
> the position of at least potentially being despised by her fellow
> Dragonlords.  And I think there is reason for Aliera to indeed care
> what other Dragons think of her - if not for her own sake, then for
> the sake of her lineage, which is one of the very foundations of her
> personal pride and self-love.

Her father killed millions (?) of people - her line's honor will not
depend on her involvement with Mario.

And she's friends with Vlad - so what?

I suspect she doesn't care about the opinion of anyone unwilling to
express it before her, and the willing she's happy to kill.

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