[Dragaera] [Dzur spoilers] Random thoughts

Philip Hart philiph at slac.stanford.edu
Sun Nov 26 22:46:58 PST 2006

FYI Dzur spoilers
Fyi Dzur spoiler
Fyi Dzur spoile
Fyi Dzur spoil
Fyi Dzur spoi
Fyi Dzur spo
Fyi Dzur sp
Fyi Dzur s
Fyi Dzur
Fyi Dzur
Fyi Dzu
Fyi Dz
Fyi D
Telnan shows up at the end of the book at Verra's prompting,
which came (unless I missed something) the night before. This
doesn't seem like the discussed Dzur mode of planning and
preparing, does it?

Does Sethra know Telnan's off to fight the entire Left Hand,
or at least its leading digits?  (Recall incidentally that Aliera
managed to do something of that sort.)  Why did Vlad appeal to
Verra for help before S?

If Vlad + a GW need Telnan at the end, why didn't S bring the
latter along to face the J?

I had the sense reading the novel the first time of a certain
blankness in spots, and it just occurred to me that I didn't
have an image of e.g. Kragar's sad/ironic look on an average
frame.  Telnan is described closely enough, and some of the
Easterners Vlad runs into (Ricard, the ex-runner with the
"extraordinarily large head").  Maybe Vlad doesn't have the
time or interest to remind us what the Demon looks like,
maybe I'm not good at retaining such info.

Cawti's really snide at the end of the Text with her "you
got rescued like a sissy by Sethra's pet" - it seemed out
of character to me, esp. after what I now consider her
mature behavior at the beginning.  Maybe it's just the
strain of bringing VN to meet V, maybe V mangled what
she actually said.

I don't quite get why the Left Hand or the so-to-speak
Right don't set up a watch for an Easterner with no psychic
image.  Vlad does a lot of walking in places where he would
be expected.  Similarly, one of his contacts tells him there's
a reward out for a guy wearing two jheregs - why wasn't the
contact shown a psi-print of Vlad?  Why aren't there
psi-prints posted outside Valabar's etc.?

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