[Dragaera] Gambling/Drug Use in a Jhereg Reign

Scott Schultz scott at cjhunter.com
Wed Feb 7 11:06:58 PST 2007

>> The real question is, "Who runs House Jhereg?" We know that there are
>> effectively three branches; the aristocracy,

>Do we have any evidence for such a thing existing?

No textev off the top of my head, but (I'll say it was in _Phoenix_ since
that's where he gets himself into big trouble with the House) Vlad makes a
distinction between the Organization and the political side of the House.
The Imperial Representative is NOT a member of the Organization. That is, he
doesn't run any "territory" and he's not on the Council. Presumably, he
reports TO the Council. Likewise, Vlad's father would fall into the portion
I've pigeonholed as "aristrocracy" but who aren't in the Organization. I
want to say that Vlad states that most Jhereg are NOT in the Organization
proper, but I don't have a book handy to back up that assertion. (Note that
this isn't saying anything about how corrupt the Imperial Rep might be. Just
that his style of corruption must be something different than the mafioso
gangsterism that typifies the Organization.)

It would have to be that way, really. Cycle or not, handing the Orb to a
known crime lord just wouldn't sit well. There has to be some branch of the
House that can put up at least a façade of respectability in order to handle
House matters involving the Court.

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