[Dragaera] Morrolan's claims to witness Zerika's descent *minor Dzur spoiler*

Jon Lincicum lincicum at comcast.net
Tue Feb 13 14:58:29 PST 2007

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Scott" <scott at cjhunter.com>
> >All in all, I'd say this all tends to lend credence to the 
> >"Morrolan-has-Tazendra's memories" theory...
> Given some of the things that Vlad learns in _Dzur_, I propose a simpler
> explanation:
> Morrolan's memories were mucked with in the Halls of Judgement at the same
> time as Vlad's,  leaving him a bit confused about events surrounding
> Deathsgate in general regardless of when they happened. Collateral damage,
> basically.

But Morrolan's statements were made before he ever went to the Halls... Unless you're suggesting that this is Vlad's memory being mucked up, which I suppose is the only other idea I've seen that really explains this. Or perhaps you mean to say that Morrolan's memory got messed up just by being near Deathgate?


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